pain on display is a research on the pro ana community on social media platforms. I am looking specifically at image making and how this is used as a tool to display eating disorders. Various disciplines intersect as philosophy, the arts and psychology are employed by drawing parallels between them. The research is split up into different chapters. 1. the relation between body politics and eating disorders. 2. The impact of social media as a visual archive and a sharing tool in order to shift from the private to the public space. 3. The ethics of image production by the self or the other and how the arts, thus far have portrayed eating disorders. 4. The camera as a power mechanism against the self.
sewing skins
my broken tongue
from one to another
pain on display
your heart on my skin
pain on display
focus, 2019
golden cage, 2017
"from one to another" rooted in the quest to lower the threshold to talk about eating disorder & mental health inside an educational system. Though still central to the research in the pro ana community, it has found its ways in other contexts as well.
click to see more.
in the arms of a river
I wish you knew me by my name
Văn Lang